PERFUMES: The good and the not-so-good side

The fact that something can have a good and a bad side is quite interesting. Think about how perfumes, for example, can attract some people with their enchanting smell, but repel others with their sharp aftertaste. We guess what explains this is that nothing in the world is perfect. That is why we would in this article be looking at why our alluring perfume attracts some people and annoy some other people. Happy reading!
The Good Side 🥳
Making you smell great isn’t the only thing your perfume is capable of doing. It can go the extra mile to:
• Eliminate body odor
• Awake sexual instinct by stimulating sexual pleasure and desire thanks to the pheromones which it contains.
• Keep your mind in control with its calming properties. It might please you to know that perfumes have ingredients that can ease headaches while relieving stress and anxiety.
• Make you happy and relaxed thereby helping you fight insomnia.
• Build up as well as bring back memories.
• Give you a confidence boost. You know how the compliments you get about your perfume make you feel. When you smell good, you feel good both in your mood and drive.
The not-so-good side 🥴— Perfume Allergy!
We can bet you have met someone who doesn’t use perfume because they can’t stand it. Makes you wonder what kind of person they are. No! They are not weird as you may think. It could be that perfumes give them headaches, make them sneeze, or leave them with skin irritation on exposure to them. Whatever their reasons are. They are very much valid because perfume allergy is a thing.
Apart from sneezing, a symptom that commonly emerges from inhalation. There can also be contact allergic reactions. Where the skin reacts negatively to ingredients in perfume in the form of eczema, swelling, redness, or rashes.
The worst part is that it is difficult to tell which perfume ingredients induced the allergy since so many are used in one perfume. As common as this condition is, it can be quite severe.
While perfume allergy can be treated using medications such as Nasal antihistamine and Nasal Corticosteroid, the best is prevention.
The severity of perfume allergy can be reduced by stopping the usage the moment you find out you’re reacting to a particular perfume. Keeping all perfumes out of your reach. But, If in your case you only experience a contact skin reaction. You can help yourself by spraying only on your clothes or better still, spray into the air and walk through it. Doing this makes the perfume settle naturally on you. And if the allergy is from the perfume used by others, have a conversation with them about your intolerance.
This right here is one of the reasons why the need to spray perfume in moderation can not be overemphasized. Unless you purposely want to make people choke, two to four sprays are okay. You do not want to offend noses or worse more trigger an asthma attack or other respiratory symptoms in people around you.