Wearing perfumes to the gym. YAY or NAY?

Wearing perfumes to the gym. Yay or Nay?
It is not out of place to ask if perfumes should be worn to the gym or not. Considering the difference in opinion when the matter of perfumes in the gym comes up. Ordinarily, some people are okay with the idea. While for some, the mere thought of perfume mixed with sweat from different bodies drive them not and the rest are confused.
If you belong to the confused crew, here in this article, we will make it easy for you to decide.

Depending on what your motive for wearing perfumes to the gym is;
Maybe you’re the type that is paranoid about smelling unpleasant while working out and would go the extra mile to mask the smell of sweat.
You plan to have a hot date on the gym bench with that beaut you’ve watched squat 30 times.
Or maybe,
All you want to do is to have a refreshing smell that further boosts your confidence while you work out.
If any of the above is your case, then it’s a YAY!
If your reason for wanting to wear your fragrance to the gym is to distract others with the smell of your deep, overpowering scent, then NAY!
Fragrance type appropriate for the gym
Knowing the right perfume to wear to the gym be you man or woman is key.
And Eau de Fraiche happens to be the most suitable fragrance type for gym time. This is because compared to Eau de Parfum and Eau de toilette that contains 15-25% fragrance oil. Eau de Fraiche is more of water and contains not more than 3% fragrance oil.
So instead of that subduing scent typical of Eau de Parfum, what you have is a mild and refreshing smell that disappears within an hour. And because it is not capable of diffusing throughout the whole room, it makes it most ideal for the gym. A good example of Eau de Fraiche is body mist.
From the standpoint of perfume professionals, we recommend body mists with citrus notes, aquatic or light floral notes. They will keep you fresh and clean without offending the people around you. Mind you, stay away from scents with extremely sweet or strong notes like musk. As their smell gain intensity, the moment the body produces heat as a result of the workout.
Alternatively, if your gym time is scheduled for the evening. That makes it even easier. You can spray your perfume in the morning, before heading to work, and by the time you get to the gym in the evening, the perfume would have lost most of its projection power. What would be left would be a skin scent.
On a final note, here are some ‘perfume and gym’ tips—
• If you must wear a fragrance to the gym. Do not exceed two sprays.
• Rather than spraying perfume to mask a bad smell owing to sweat, just shower.
• When at the gym and your body mist fades after an hour, never reapply.